Thursday, December 27, 2007

Best of the Best


Here's a lovely little collage of some of our most memorable moments on our recent visit to the magical land of Disney. Sorry for the duplicates, Picasa chooses...
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Monday, December 24, 2007

Best Day Ever

5:30 am Lee awakes, showers, Jen snoozes
5:45 am Jen awakes, showers, kids snooze
6:45 am Hutch awakes, Maggie snoozes
7:00 am Lee prods Maggie awake - breakfast in the room
7:30 am On our way...

Little did the general public know but the Magic Kingdom opened at 8:00 instead of the usual 9:00, therefore The Ezells were some of the first to enter the park! Woohoo!

We studied the guidebooks carefully and Jen prepared a plan of attack the night before based on the Fodor's recommendations for a "Blitz with Kids". As instructed we proceeded straight down Mainstreet, through the castle and then on to Fantasyland. First stop, Flying Dumbo for Hutch and Jen while Lee and Maggie went to grab a Fastpass for Winnie the Pooh.

Hutch was terrified by the Dumbo ride and almost didn't get on. Jen shoved him through the little doorway and fastened the seatbelt...tightly. Once moving, Hutch was okay and even agreed to raise the Dumbo car into the air!

Due to insanely light crowds first thing we were able to hop onto the Winnie the Pooh ride (took the place of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, sniff) and ride once with everyone and then Lee and Hutch rode again immediately. Jen and Maggie hung out at the Winnie the Pooh playground and caught a glimpse of Pooh himself!

From there we proceeded to Mickey's Philharmagic 3-D movie. Neither kid moved a muscle for the duration of the 15 minute show. It was a combintation of Fantasia and Disney movie music videos from their most popular movies.

Onward to Peter Pan's Flight...twice in a row, still no crowds! Hutch requested the carousel next, another ride two times in a row with NO waiting! Then we hit the Mad Hatter's Tea Cups for a quick spin.

Finally, It's a Small World, but only once. Maggie and Hutch were both fascinated by the singing, dancing, and spinning dolls.

More to come...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I called Lee on the way home from work and he said Hutch had done something very bad at daycare. He couldn't give me details because Hutch was nearby. A few minutes later he called back to give me the scoop so I could get myself together to give Hutch a "serious talking-to".

Apparently during the morning snack time Hutch asked to use the restroom. There are restrooms just off the main cafeteria area so the teachers allowed him to go. A few moments later they heard laughing. They looked in to find Hutch MOONING the cafeteria from the restroom door!! Bare butt shaking in the breeze and laughing like a hyena.

We made him sign this letter of apology to his teachers. Sorry for the sideways view - computer was not cooperating. On the other side of the card I wrote another note to the teachers explaining how difficult it had been to keep straight faces while talking to Hutch about this serious matter. Who knows what pops into the minds of 4-year-olds???

Hutch's Big Debut

Here is one of the songs from last night's performance by the kids at Hutch's daycare. Pardon the shakey cam effects...Lee was laughing as he recorded - you'll see why. Enjoy!

Monday, December 10, 2007

More information...

Here's a link to the story as cleverly told by Clare and Joel themselves!


Sunday, December 09, 2007


Seeing as how the other family members have become slack in their blogging, I get to be the first to blog about the impending nuptials!! Joel proposed to Clare last night! They were at an Eric Hutchinson concert, just as they were two years ago on their first date. Apparently Joel got in contact with Eric who took a moment on stage to acknowledge Clare and the coincidence of their last names. He then went on to say that Clare needed to turn around. Joel was on one knee and saying all those delicious things we girls like to hear! The spotlights were even focused on the happy couple. Clare called around 3am our time(as instructed) so I hope I have the story straight!

Kudos to mom, dad, Lee, and I for keeping tight lips for the last week or so. Joel spoke to dad over Thanksgiving and he kept it secret for about 12 hours, maybe longer before he told mom. She kept it to herself for about 23 1/2 hours before telling me and I told Lee as soon as I saw him that day.

Way to go Joel - sounds like the perfect proposal. We're all thrilled!!

Now let's start talking about the dance we'll perform at the reception...there are many options - Thriller, Time of My Life, Big Butts, etc.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Hutchy Leibowitz


Our kitchen through the eyes of a 4 year old.
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Okay, so here's another one so everyone can see that we weren't torturing the poor girl.
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Maggie's First Haircut


I don't want to give the wrong impression, Maggie was actually quite good for her first trip to the beauty shop. This photo was the winner of the collection however! She really only had a fraction of an inch taken off, but it made a difference. We're taking her back for some highlights next week.
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