Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Godspeed, Daddy

We visited Lee and his mom in Cincinnati this past weekend. The roadtrip with two children wasn't bad. It's perfectly manageable if you're willing to stop every 48 minutes to potty and if you're flexible enough to pass 512 graham cracker sticks to the seats behind you.

Anyways, we dropped Lee off at the hotel in downtown Cinci to meet up with his partner in crime on the Scion tour. As we pulled away Maggie was crying and Hutch started trying to comfort her by telling her why we had to leave daddy behind. He told her all about his Woody doll, and how daddy was going to find him and bring him back. According to Hutch, Lee is going to New York City to get Woody from the tall, tall building. According to Hutch, the only reason daddy is on the road right now is because of the quest for Woody. What a hoot.

Tomorrow we embark upon another road trip. This time we're headed south to Greenie and Greendaddy's. Hutch has plans to catch a "huge fish" with his Superman fishing pole. He has also pointed out that Maggie will need a "little tiny fishing pole".

Wish us well, I've loaded the van with all the necessary supplies and then some. 512 graham crackers, 326 goldfish, 13 pacifiers (Maggie conveniently throws these aside as she's finished), 8 sippy cups (also thrown conveniently out-of-reach when finished)

1 comment:

Clare said...

That's funny! I hope Lee's quest for Woody is successful.