Saturday, July 21, 2007


So, after many skirmishes today the toddler was banished to his room. The final straw being him dragging the giant stuffed pink hippo into the office and hurling at Maggie who up that point had been playing peacefully and contentedly on the floor. "GET OUT!! GO PLAY SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!" He did. Witness the Lego Explosion Zone. A little while after banishment I was stirred from the office to see why he was crying as if hurt. Sure enough, he had stepped on a Lego. Amazing that he only stepped on one.

Having been in a math workshop all week I must pose the following problem. Given the room is say, 12 x 12, is it possible to determine how many Legoes are on the floor by counting one square foot and then multiplying? Perhaps there's a probability problem here...chances that Mommy will step on a Lego tonight when checking on Hutch....99/100. What are the probabilities for stepping on a particular shape or color? Gag.

It's almost 9:00. Chances Mommy will finish Harry Potter tonight...not looking good.

1 comment:

Clare said...

That hurts my feet just to look at it! Holy crap! Ow!!