Sunday, June 25, 2006

Mama on vacation

Kim's son, Andrew, age 5, took this picture of us all at "the cut" at the end of the island.

The beach and ocean have been beautiful. Typical "Chamber of Commerce" days as dad would say. Today we came across some areas of what looked like seaweed but turned out to be HUGE schools of teeny-tiny fish. If you threw a shell into the school they'd part in a circle - cool, eh?

The shelling has been pretty good. We've found lots of Florida Fighting Conchs and partial olives, plenty of scallops also.

The girl at the blue store said "Hey, hot mama!" as I approached to pay for milk, Tylenol, and brownie mix yesterday. She also said that I look like I'm having a boy. The girl behind the service counter at the Piggly Wiggly yelled across two checklanes that I looked like I'm about to bust. An older lady in the produce section told me it was a hot time of year to be pregnant and wished me luck. Seems like everyone has an's like having a dog or a small child, pregnancy is a conversation starter.


Clare said...

You're right! Everywhere we went even in Chicago people told you what you were having or talked to you about the new baby. :) I'm jealous! I want to be at the beach!!

Heather said...

I, too am very jealous!

I'll bet you'll have a great view of the fireworks on Tuesday though!

PS - I swear you were barely showing the last time I saw you--but then again, that was a month or so ago... I've been working for Panoz too long--my mind is escaping me...