Friday, May 30, 2008

Moving Day

Greenie packed up and headed home to the land of retirement (again). We already miss having our handy-dandy babysitter just a moment away!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ansel Adams?


Maybe not. I found about 20 pictures similar to this on the camera when I last downloaded the pictures.
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Awwwww, sweet


So Hutch read to Maggie after dinner and then turned off the lights, closed the bedroom door and announced that he had put her to bed (it was only 6:30 and still very much daylight!). I asked if she was asleep and he said he'd go check. He peeked back into the bedroom and reported back rather disheartedly that she wouldn't go to sleep.
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Where is the Laugh Track?: Scott and His Belly Button

In searching for information about Maggie's belly button obsession I ran across this blog. I've been surfing around on it forever this evening just chuckling at how similar this family is to ours. Surf around, see for yourself. Aside from some church comments (they go, we don't) they have frighteningly similar lives. The Bizarro Ezells maybe?

Where is the Laugh Track?: Scott and His Belly Button

Sunday, May 18, 2008


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Runway Show in Flowery Branch


I picked up a bathing suit for Maggie this afternoon for our upcoming trip to Texas. Seeing as how she was covered in dirt from the playground and needed to try on the suit anyways I gave her a wardrobe change. Of course I couldn't resist giving her "pity" hair to complete the look.
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Hutch competed in his first karate tournament on Saturday. He competed against 3 other 4 year olds in the forms category. He had to go through a series of 16 positions in front of the judges. He did a great job and placed third out of the four competitors. He carried the trophy everywhere for the rest of the weekend. He didn't sleep with it, but it was on his night stand and when he came to get in bed with us in the middle of the night the trophy came downstairs too! He can frequently be heard cooing softly to it..."I love you, trophy."
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Yay - Radiohead rolls into ATL tomorrow night
Nay - They're going to Lakewood Amphitheatre, a s***hole of a venue
Yay - I have reserved seats for Jen and I
Nay - They're in the uncovered section of the amphitheatre
Double nay - It's gonna come a heckofalotta rain tomorrow night
Yay - I found some covered seats on eBay at the last minute, and they're much closer
Double Yay - I sold our current seats and bought the new ones, losing only $20 in the process

I'm really looking forward to this. Jen and I first saw them at Stone Mountain back in '01, and we were blown away. Plus, Jen picked up a new hairstyle from a chick we sat behind. Oh and BTW, it rained (just a bit).

Then we had tix for their next tour here, which came through in '03 to Lakewood. But unfortunately, they were here at about the 7 1/2 month mark for Jen's pregnancy with Hutch, and she was not feeling too happy that evening. So she ended up not going, and Clare and I went. Yep it rained, but it was still a hell of a show. Indeed, I think it was better than the first one. Rain wasn't too horrible.

So this time we are not great with child, but it's of course going to rain cats and dogs, hail, etc., etc. But it'll still be a blast!!!