Monday, February 18, 2008

A Possible Career

Today Lee and I went to the mall to have lunch and see a movie. Before lunch I made a visit to the ladies room and then after the movie once again I visited the facilities. It was during my trip to the movie restroom that I realized the following.

If there was a job that required a person to walk into a restroom and choose the dirtiest stall with the toilet that had NOT been flushed after the last visitor I would be PERFECT for that job.

It just seems that no matter which stall I choose, whether it's the first on the right, or the middle on the left, or the handicap one at the end, I pick the one that wasn't flushed!! What's up with that? First of all, who are these non-flushers and second of all how does my brain know....don't choose that one, go to the next flush!

Perhaps in a previous life I was a restroom attendant.

PS Juno was fabulous! What a sweet movie and an awesome soundtrack!


Melissa said...

We could work together, as I also seem to have this gift. Although my gift is inclusive of not only the non-flushed, but although the seats that have been peed on by the previous visitor.
Again, a skill that seems to set me apart from so much of the universe. I can safely say that I have NEVER peed on a seat.

Sharon said...

It might be hereditary...I seem to have the same luck. I have been thinking lately the the auto-flush toilets are partly responsible. People just assume it's going to flush by itself.

G said...

We both seem to post about the nitty gritty of women's restrooms!

G said...

Oh bother, sorry. I always forget that blogger comments are stupid with links.

Finish that last one with:
