Saturday, September 22, 2007


Brave Mommy took both children on the plane to see Daddy and Auntie Clare in Chicago last weekend. It's taken a week to recover and finally download the pitiful few pictures I have to document the trip! I got to be the last passenger off the plane both times. The first stewardess radioed to the desk in the airport "Yes, we have our last one, she's got two kids, one on her back (Maggie in the backpack thingy) and one walking." What she said wasn't rude or anything, but you could tell by her tone she was feeling sorry for me. Traveling with Hutch and Maggie was actually quite easy, they were the perfect companions.

Hutch was only a little freaked out by security in Atlanta. The security guy on the other side of the metal detector was not encouraging in the least...matter of fact he looked a little like 50 Cent. Hutch didn't like having to take off his shoes and he certainly did not agree with having to put his Thomas backpack of treasures through the magic machine that's like Superman because it can see inside your bag and make sure your toys are safe. He ended up sitting on the floor in tears on the other side of the metal detector while they searched my carry-on and I reassembled the stroller which had to be emptied and folded and sent through the magic machine that's like Superman because it can see inside and make sure the stroller is safe.

Maggie is awake in this picture, she's just looking down, probably at the mountain of fruity Cheerios we spilled on the floor. Hutch reveled in raising and lowering the window shade. Thank goodness it was just the three of us in the two seats. I'm sure we would have annoyed the crap out of any other human being. More to follow soon...Lee's home now so my computer time is less frequently interrupted with requests for water, and tv, and games, and "wipe me", and etc.
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