Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Who wants cupcakes?

I actually thought Maggie was going to jump out of the chair and rip the cupcake out of Jen's hands.......
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Saturday, July 21, 2007

The End

So I walked into the hotel lobby at 1 PM and grabbed the special Amazon box from the front desk. I sat down to read at 1:30. At 7:25, dipping the last bit of bread into the pasta sauce, I closed the book.

It's been almost seven years since I sat on a couch at a rental house on St. George Island and devoured Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in one day. Since then, I've reread each book at least three times, and have listened to the tales on audio CD more times than I can list.

I've looked forward to this final book since I read the first one, as has everyone gripped by JK Rowling's tale. But I've also dreaded it. Not because I was afraid that she would mess it up. Indeed, this is her tale, and if she chose to have Harry go join the Peace Corps and settle down in Namibia instead of facing Voldemort, that would be her choice (though one I would probably find less than satisfying).

I've dreaded the final book because it is just that: the final book. No one wants to see our loved ones to leave us, even if they are fictional. The emotions you pour into a story by reading it and turning the characters into living breathing beings in your mind can be just as powerful as those you attach to the people in your life.

So it was with slightly red eyes that I opened the book at 1:30. And I write this with red eyes now. But as sad as I am to close the book on Harry's last adventure (and I cannot see how it can be otherwise), I cannot wait to open the first one again, and begin to read it to our children. As they discover what worlds reading can take them to, it will remind me that our loved ones do not leave us ever, in the real or fictional world.

Thanks, JK, for a monumental achievement in storytelling, and one that will live through the ages. And thanks for reminding us, time and again, of the love that exists between a child and mother. If people remembered this love more often, I do believe our world would be a better place today.


So, after many skirmishes today the toddler was banished to his room. The final straw being him dragging the giant stuffed pink hippo into the office and hurling at Maggie who up that point had been playing peacefully and contentedly on the floor. "GET OUT!! GO PLAY SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!" He did. Witness the Lego Explosion Zone. A little while after banishment I was stirred from the office to see why he was crying as if hurt. Sure enough, he had stepped on a Lego. Amazing that he only stepped on one.

Having been in a math workshop all week I must pose the following problem. Given the room is say, 12 x 12, is it possible to determine how many Legoes are on the floor by counting one square foot and then multiplying? Perhaps there's a probability problem here...chances that Mommy will step on a Lego tonight when checking on Hutch....99/100. What are the probabilities for stepping on a particular shape or color? Gag.

It's almost 9:00. Chances Mommy will finish Harry Potter tonight...not looking good.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Winning Shot

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Sunset photo shoot


More herding cats....but fun nevertheless!
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Beginner's Luck


Greendaddy and Hutch went fishing yesterday. Hutch managed to catch 6 pinfish and then to our amazement landed a big ol' catfish! A good time was had by all. Hutch took a well-deserved nap after the big event.
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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Fun at the Beach


Here's a little collection of pictures from yesterday's excursion to Tiki Beach. We spent some time in the morning at the beach near mom and dad's and in the afternoon dad took us on the boat over to Little St. George Island. Hutch insisted on going "native".
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Friday, July 06, 2007

One more...


Cutie pie!
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Herding cats

Out of the 319 pictures taken in 10 minues on the deck this afternoon, this is the ONLY ONE where both kids are looking at the camera at the SAME time.
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Hanging out at Greenie and Greendaddy's

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Another photo comparison opportunity! Hutch is 7 months old in this picture; Maggie is almost 11 months old.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Godspeed, Daddy

We visited Lee and his mom in Cincinnati this past weekend. The roadtrip with two children wasn't bad. It's perfectly manageable if you're willing to stop every 48 minutes to potty and if you're flexible enough to pass 512 graham cracker sticks to the seats behind you.

Anyways, we dropped Lee off at the hotel in downtown Cinci to meet up with his partner in crime on the Scion tour. As we pulled away Maggie was crying and Hutch started trying to comfort her by telling her why we had to leave daddy behind. He told her all about his Woody doll, and how daddy was going to find him and bring him back. According to Hutch, Lee is going to New York City to get Woody from the tall, tall building. According to Hutch, the only reason daddy is on the road right now is because of the quest for Woody. What a hoot.

Tomorrow we embark upon another road trip. This time we're headed south to Greenie and Greendaddy's. Hutch has plans to catch a "huge fish" with his Superman fishing pole. He has also pointed out that Maggie will need a "little tiny fishing pole".

Wish us well, I've loaded the van with all the necessary supplies and then some. 512 graham crackers, 326 goldfish, 13 pacifiers (Maggie conveniently throws these aside as she's finished), 8 sippy cups (also thrown conveniently out-of-reach when finished)