Sunday, May 13, 2007

Kickstart My Heart

So I'm pretty sure that everyone who is interested in this blog knows what I do, but just in case........

I dabble in a few different areas of the world of autos, but I'm current focused back on ride & drives. I started working in them in 1998, and quickly found that I've got a real affinity for it. Indeed, I tried to go to a desk job for a while, but it didn't take......

There's really no job like it. You get to travel around the US (and if you're lucky, the world) on someone else's dime. You get paid a sum of money that, at times, is very generous in comparison to the work load. You get to work with every sort of vehicle imaginable. In the 10 years I've been involved in them, I've worked with Mazda & Mercedes, Ford & Ferrari.

Are there downsides? One word - homesick. I'm gone from my family for far too long. But I could be serving in the military, or catching Alaskan crabs. As far as jobs that take you away from your family, I could be doing a lot worse.

And I don't think you see many Iron Maiden shirts in Juneau, Alaska............(although David Cross might disagree)

1 comment:

Clare said...

Are you sure you didn't just scan in a picture from 1985? Yikes!