Friday, January 19, 2007

We caved

I seem to remember a conversation many years ago that went something like this...

Jen: I will NEVER get a mini-van.
Lee: Yeah, they suck.
Jen: Why bother...just get an SUV or station wagon or something.
Lee: Just shoot me if I ever suggest getting one of those hideous things.


Lee: Yeah! It fits in the garage!
Jen: It's got like 15 cupholders!
Lee: You can order pizza from a Zagat's rated restaurant in Toronto by voice command.
Jen: Dude!

Hutch: A van! I don't beyeev it! Yeah! Magic doors! Ina watch a moooovie. Ina watch Nemo.
Maggie: Ppffffftttt

Friday, January 12, 2007


In honor of Clare & Joel's new site, I give you.............Lazytown.

If you're in Chicago, or are visiting Chicago, or care about Chicago, or just want to see why I put this awesome video of awesomeness that is overflowing with awesomeness up, go to Chiclarego and Joelumbus' Epicurian Adventure

Friday, January 05, 2007

Maggie went too!


Maggie was a real trooper throughout our travels. She was a little cranky during transit, but aren't we all?
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Keep on Truckin'


We went to Andrew's birthday party and Hutch got to skate for the first time! He caught on quickly and loved every minute!
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Guitar Hero RULES!


Thanks to Clare's boyfriend for bringing along his Playstation and Guitar Hero stuff. We rocked.
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Pay No Attention to the Dog...

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This picture sums it up...


We traveled and traveled over the holidays. We began with a pilgrimmage to Ky-In to see relatives on both sides of the family. Much to Hutch's delight, at every stop there were gifts! This picture was taken at great-aunt Mida's house after the openings had wound down. Hutch slept for about an hour and a half on the floor.

More pictures to follow...
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