Thursday, October 05, 2006

Yes, it is a pink pacifier.

So they say that your older child regresses a little when a new baby arrives...

Mind you Hutch has NEVER used a pacifier for more than 3 sucks until this last week or so! Last night he joined me (mommy) in bed around 2:30 and said "I'na my pacifier." Thankfully he was easily convinced to wait until morning to retrieve it from his room upstairs.

Otherwise things are running smoothly for my first week back to work and my first week with both children while hubby's out of town. Of course it's pretty easy to be super mom when your own mom and dad are staying with you and doing all the cooking, cleaning, and chauffering of toddler! Thanks Greenie and Greendaddy!

Also today is Lee's birthday. Sadly, I'm the world's worst at planning surpises on even the smallest scale. Hutch and I did paint a banner that said "Happy Birthday Daddy!". Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE!!
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Clare said...

So THAT's why he wanted to buy those for Maggie. Very interesting!

Happy Birthday Lee!

Anonymous said...

no paci buddy you can suck on my c--k anytime you like, love unda 5 sucking it for me