Sunday, February 26, 2006

Thelma and Louise vs Cocoon

So, Granny made a break last week from the Home. She convinced a sister of hers to come and pick her up for a little r & r...that would be rescue and ridiculousness. Apparently her roommate at the Home keeps the thermostat jacked up around 85 degrees (don't all old people like it warm??) and this irritates Granny.

Thelma, er, Granny and Imogene headed out to see the world, er, Evansville and ended up at Granny's house, which is for sale and for the most part void of her belongings. Now I figure that since she's been taking her meds regularly and eating regularly and doing all that other regular stuff folks do when there are people taking care of you, Granny's feeling like she could live on her own again. WRONG...bless her heart. And it's so tempting, seeing as how the house is cleaner than it's been in say 30 years and it doesn't smell like 15 cats are living in the attic anymore.
I hear that the Pepto-pink bathroom is no more as well.

To be fair, Granny was always the fun Granny. My other grandmother was more strict I think, although Granddaddy was fun and would let me drive the golf cart at an insanely young age. So what gives?? I suppose fun Granny is feeling frisky with her meds and healthy food pumping through her ever-hardening arteries.

Not sure if she's returned to the Home yet...if you see her tell her to get her butt back ASAP before they put someone else in her Craftmatic.


Clare said...

LOL! That suitcase! THAT'S THE SUITCASE!

Ah, Granny - apparently she went back.

Heather said...

Fantastic story!!!

It's an ongoing joke between my mom and I that if she continues to act up, I'm going to take her to the raisin ranch.

A mutual friend of ours keeps telling me that he's going to be the one to bust her out...

We used to laugh about it, but now I'm going to be much more careful... ;)

Joel said...

Something tells me her granddaughters are no less fiesty in their young age.

Dave said...

I think Ole' Thel finally is back on the ranch. She tried to play dumb with her daughter, but I think she is wise to that game!

She's a wily old hen.