Monday, October 03, 2005

Petit Weekend & Belly Button Brushing

It was a beautiful day for racing! We hung out for a while at the track. Hutch was a good sport with the ear protection, Daddy clearly was not...."huh?" he says.

Hutch enjoyed some funnel cake and lemonade with me. I think it made both of us a little cranky in the end...uggggg...greasy track food.

Apparently there were 72,000ish people at the track this weekend. That's like 3 times the population of Hopkinsville within 5 minutes of our house!

Two for the price of one today! Here's Hutch in his spiffy new jeans (with sticky size label still on ) using his toothbrush to clean out belly button lint. He brushed a lot of things that day with the toothbrush...the chair, the dog, random toys, the step stool, my belly button, his neck, etc.


Clare said...

SO CUTE! Cute jeans. I hope that's not the same toothbrush you use to brush your teeth...EW!

Heather said...

That's FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!