Monday, September 26, 2005

Shout out to N.O.

Here's a classic. Lee's birthday is right around the corner so I offer you this picture from his birthday a few years ago. This was taken in New Orleans at Lucky Cheng's which is a yummy Chinese restaurant staffed by transvestites. I told him all of that before we went out except the little part about the transvestites. What a lovely evening! The "ladies" treated Lee to a special piece of birthday cake. And of course we got to see a great dinner show as they paraded up and down the center of the restaurant in ball gowns lip-synching (spelling??) to great music. He swears he'll pay me back for this but so far so good... I sure hope Lucky's wasn't damaged in the hurricane. Jen

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Warning! This is a sad post...

It's been nearly a year since we had to put precious Bailey down. I came across this picture as I was looking for something to post for a "what the heck" installment. Bailey was a great dog. We joked that he lived fast and died young. He rarely sat still, except to cuddle in your lap. He just did whatever whenever however, like peeing in the snow. He didn't care. Thinking of him makes me want another dog, but then I think, not just another dog, I want another Bailey. :( Jen

Friday, September 23, 2005

Booty call

Hutch made his DBM and since a bath was imminent I left him bare bottomed for a bit. It's just so fun to run around with nakie-bottom! Here he's requesting more macaroni and cheese. We grilled hot dogs for dinner and he ate TWO WHOLE hot dogs (sans buns of course, but with ketchup). I got some other pictures of Lee feeding him huge scoops of mac and cheese from the serving spoon but they might get us for child porn since there's some frontal action in those shots.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Swimming in September

Lee didn't want to include pictures of himself....he's so modest. Anyway, his mom, Rhoda, was here this weekend and took some grand photos of the boys at the pool yesterday.

Nice chalker, dude.....

So in yet another installment of "What the heck", we come to a chalker. As you can see, this is a late 90's model, well worn, with a 100 lb capacity. The dice are there for a bit of style, because one does want a hint of color with their chalker. This was taken in 2000 in the parking lot of some country club in Cincinnati, OH. From this photo, one might think that the person working the chalker knew what they were doing......... Think again..........

Holy Cow!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Pea in a Pod

Hutch found a new use for the "rusig" from Ikea. It's supposed to be a rocking horse thing, but as you can see he's adapted it for sleeping. Sort of looks like a little peapod, don't ya think?
The latest toddler craze around here is the carrying of small objects in one hand for hours at a time. Today and yesterday the object was my valet key. Sometimes it's a piece of food, like the chunk of brownie he carried around for an hour or so one evening last week. Keys are better than food because food leaves crumbs and residue EVERYWHERE.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A new feature!

So I'm going to try and introduce a new feature tonight called "What the heck?" It's when I take a random photo from the many thousands on our computer and stick it on our blog. I'll either do it once a week, or when I feel like it, whichever comes first. Or last, if I forget to do it once a week.

The guy on the left? That's Mike Briggs. He's from South Africa. In the first 5 days he arrived in the US, he learned to eat pizza out of the garbage. Later, he got drunk at my grandmother's house. I love that guy.

On the right? Gery Benedetti. Remember that name. See, he's a pilot now. Whatever airline he's flying for, you don't want to be on it. He's actually a great guy, probably a hell of a pilot. He's one of those guys that is good at whatever he wants to do. Don't you want to kill those people?Posted by Picasa

"What?" (said in a muffled manner, as if you're Bill Murray with a mouth full of cake and Andie MacDowell just made a disgusted huff in your direction)

9/11/05 Update from Jen...after reading this post from Lee a couple times I figured out what was wrong. I think that Bill Murray was eating a plateful of jelly doughnuts when he said "what?". By the way, if you haven't watched Groundhog Day a million times like us then go check it out so you can laugh at this too! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 04, 2005

When in Rome...

Yeahhhhhhh! We went to the Running Water Indian Pow Wow in Rome, GA today. This is a picture of Hutch on Daddy's shoulders getting a good look at all the dancers entering the competition ring. It was a be-a-u-tiful day!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Mommy's left alone with the computer...

Lee's playing poker downstairs and Hutch and I have retired to his bathroom for bathtime. Actually, he's enjoying the bath and I'm playing nearby on the computer. Thought I'd figure this blog thing out since my little sis has one that she updates daily.

Here's what I did in case something goes wrong and I have to explain how I broke the computer to my beloved husband...
Step 1: Figured out how to log on by clicking on the blog (which is saved in our favorites)
Step 2: Tried many different combinations of login names and passwords till I happened upon the right one...if you tortured me I wouldn't be able to tell you what it was because I've already forgotten...
Step 3: Click on "new post"
Step 4: Type inane information into the computer

Lee will be so proud, I've created my first post. Maybe someone will happen upon it randomly and comment. If you're the first to comment on this post you will receive a valuable prize...the little poopy my son just made in the tub...better go.