Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Great Grannies Galore!

We made our loop through Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee this weekend during my Fall Break. Hutch got to visit with Grandma Rhoda, Aunt Lisa and Uncle David, Cousins Robbie and Bryson, Great-Granny Markham, Great-Granny Big Mama, and Grandaddy Larry. Here are pictures with Big Mama (in purple) and Great-Granny Markham (on the front porch of her house).
Hutch is a real trooper. He put on a good show with each Great-Granny by running and jumping and jabbering away. He gave hugs and blew kisses to each when we left.
We took Great-Granny Markham to lunch at Logan's in Evansville where Hutch ate macaroni and cheese with alarming speed.
At Big Mama's there was a walnut tree and Hutch had great fun picking up the walnuts and throwing them into the parking lot. Big Mama gave Hutch a ride back into her apartment building on her super cool walker (she's sitting on it in the picture).
When we made it to Lee's dad's house Hutch was still running wild and had a blast doing laps in the yard. It was late when we headed down the road to Clarksville for the night and Hutch was asleep within minutes of getting into the car. He slept 11 hours that night.
There's lots more tales to tell of this weekend but Hutch has begun to throw things down the stairs....more later! Jen

1 comment:

Heather said...

That's awesome!!!

Sounds like you guys had a great trip!