Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Where's Jen?

I scanned a bunch of school picture to print and display in my classroom - here's the first installment on the blog!
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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Bohutchian Rhapsody


Hutch and I (Lee) flew to Texas over the weekend on a lovely whirlwind tour to attend my grandmother Nonie's 95th birthday. Hutch was, of course, very well behaved, very helpful, and a joy to travel with. He even put up with the 2 hour delay leaving Atlanta (1 hr in the terminal, 1 hr on the plane) with perfect patience. He was only a bit irritable when I told him that, unfortunately, we would not be getting a Mustang for a rental car (by my choosing, I loathe Mustangs in every iteration). But he turned out to be perfectly happy with the PT Cruiser we ended up with.

Upon our return home Sunday, I took a quick nap before having a fun Heads Up poker tournament here at the house with some friends. While we played, Hutch and Maggie were upstairs playing with Jen, and then took their baths. Upon exiting the bath, Jen turned on the local classic rock station on Hutch's radio, and at some point, "We Will Rock You" came on.....

It turns out that Hutch is the reincarnation of Freddie Mercury. He pranced, strutted, and posed all about the room, butt naked, while both he and Maggie tonelessly chanted this decades-old anthem of gay pride. I couldn't be prouder!!

BTW, I would attempt to put up video of it, but the last video I put up of Hutch doing his strip tease was flagged on YouTube as pornographic, so let the picture above just feed your imagination......er....scratch that.....
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