Saturday, March 29, 2008



It was free day for edumacators today at Zoo Atlanta. Mom took the kids and me to the airport to pick up the VW from where Lee left it before leaving for Phoenix and LA. It was supposed to rain today, but it managed to hold off long enough for us to do pretty much the entire zoo. The elephant "horrned" while we were eating at the Nathan's hot dog stand next to the elephant house. I don't guess I've ever heard an elephant "horrn" in person (Hutch's word, by the way!) - it was SOOOO LOUD! We had a delightful time seeing the animals and riding the kiddie train. The lightning and thunder eventually drove us out of the park and to the car (which I parked, inadvertantly, a million miles away AND up freakin' Mt. Everest).

Maggie's eyes were shut before I clipped her seatbelt and Hutch was asleep shortly after. Maggie crashed early this evening too - still hung over from the busy day I suppose.

On another note, Hutch has "a little pneumonia" in his left lung. He's on a super strong antibiotic and occasionally sounds as if he's coughing up that left lung. He looked totally washed out as we cruised through the zoo, but had a happy helpful attitude and didn't really want to leave.
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Saturday, March 15, 2008

What the Hail?

Wow! We had a string of storms blow through the area this afternoon. Luckily there was no major damage in our immediate area with the exception of any car that was parked outside (ours were thankfully garaged). We were under tornado warnings for most of the afternoon and spent a little while hanging out in our basement. The hail was amazing. You can see in the pictures what a wide variety of sizes there were. It sounded pretty cool hitting the house. The pile Hutch is standing in accumulated under a corner gutter area that often gets clogged. There are big divots in the yard where the golfball sized stones hit. Also cool is the perfect ball of ice contained inside each hailstone. You can see it in the pictures.