Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ahhhh...Saturday morning

Could there be any better way to spend a Saturday? Just hang out in your jammies until about 10:30 watching tv - those were the days!
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Monday, December 01, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving at the Beach


Here's a little collage of our Thanksgiving fun on St. George Island. The weather has been beautiful and the food has been plentiful!

Hutch and Maggie are going to hang out and keep Greenie and Greendaddy company for a couple extra days! Can't wait to see what that collage might look like...
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Monday, November 03, 2008

Apple Farm and Moutain Drive

We took a lovely fall drive to the apple farm on Saturday. Hutch enjoyed the big slide and apple slingshot. We also took a hayride before heading through the mini corn maze. Hutch was a fabulous maze navigator as well as corn photographer (I've omitted those pictures, all 26 of them!) We then headed up to Brasstown Bald, the highest mountain in Georgia.
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Friday, October 24, 2008

When the husband's away....

Haiku: Mommy takes a sick day

Hutch has a fever
Doctor says, "Give him pink med."
Stay at home Thursday.

Haiku: Maggie has diarrhea

Naked kids brush teeth
Hutch comes running, "Hey Mommy!"
Poop goes splat on floor.

Haiku: Dachshund ate yellow crayon

Dog lumbers around
I discover wrapper bits
Poop goes splat on floor.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

First wedding picture on the blogs??

Obviously there will be more to come! This is just a teaser shot until I have time to post more. This is Clare and Daddy moments before the ceremony. We were waiting for the procession to get organized. It was a perfect weekend!
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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Bruiser Ezell

Day three after Maggie versus Chair. Is it okay if the flower girl has a black eye???
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Monday, September 15, 2008

I has a bucket, part deux.

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I has a bucket.


Maggie has begun her flower girl training. We plan to not allow her to cram her mouth full of biscuit before heading down the aisle in addition to avoiding the European dark socks/dark shoes look. Hey, this is just the first day...
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Monday, September 01, 2008

"I Yike Chocat" 2

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"I Yike Chocat"


Happy 2nd Birthday, Maggie!! (Birthday pic. per Greenie's request!) We took advantage of the fact that Maggie can't really request a junkie character cake from Publix yet and bought this AWESOME chocolate monstrosity from Costco. OMG - the cake was delicious (as were the strawberries on top, also a Costco find). Clare, you could save a BOATLOAD of money if you get your wedding cake at Costco....
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"Caeb Piand"


Hutch has been looking forward to Caleb Piland's birthday for weeks and weeks - for obvious reasons....a bouncy waterslide!! Woohoo! He was planning on spending the night with some of the other boys from their class, but he tapped out about 10:30 and I had to retrieve him. He promptly fell asleep in the car on the way home.
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I Dunno


Labor day mini-cookout on our freshly pressure-washed deck (water ban be damned!).
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Where's Jen?

I scanned a bunch of school picture to print and display in my classroom - here's the first installment on the blog!
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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Bohutchian Rhapsody


Hutch and I (Lee) flew to Texas over the weekend on a lovely whirlwind tour to attend my grandmother Nonie's 95th birthday. Hutch was, of course, very well behaved, very helpful, and a joy to travel with. He even put up with the 2 hour delay leaving Atlanta (1 hr in the terminal, 1 hr on the plane) with perfect patience. He was only a bit irritable when I told him that, unfortunately, we would not be getting a Mustang for a rental car (by my choosing, I loathe Mustangs in every iteration). But he turned out to be perfectly happy with the PT Cruiser we ended up with.

Upon our return home Sunday, I took a quick nap before having a fun Heads Up poker tournament here at the house with some friends. While we played, Hutch and Maggie were upstairs playing with Jen, and then took their baths. Upon exiting the bath, Jen turned on the local classic rock station on Hutch's radio, and at some point, "We Will Rock You" came on.....

It turns out that Hutch is the reincarnation of Freddie Mercury. He pranced, strutted, and posed all about the room, butt naked, while both he and Maggie tonelessly chanted this decades-old anthem of gay pride. I couldn't be prouder!!

BTW, I would attempt to put up video of it, but the last video I put up of Hutch doing his strip tease was flagged on YouTube as pornographic, so let the picture above just feed your imagination......er....scratch that.....
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rocket Launch Attire


Hutch and I went to the fabric store a couple days ago shopping for classroom curtain fabric. He spied some WALL*E fabric so I bought 1/2 yard not knowing what exactly we'd do with it. I found a remnant of iridescent pink for Maggie. What better to make than CAPES?? Obviously 1/2 yard is a little underambitious for a cape for a kid Hutch's size, but Maggie's worked out okay. They were proud to sport them when we launched a model rocket in the parking lot of my new school.
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Monday, July 21, 2008

She's out


I had to bring the car seat in because Maggie threw up in it on the way to daycare one morning. I had to disassemble that sucker and wash all the pieces, etc. Reassembling should have been simple since it's only your child's life at stake if you get a belt incorrectly secured or not secured at all! However, the Britax Marathon system of belts is nothing short of a Mensa challenge. Trusty (and brainy) Lee put all the pieces back together and left the seat sitting on the floor in the house. Enter nap-deprived Maggie. She had a seat started watching a little tv and next thing we knew she'd fallen asleep! Aren't they precious when sleeping??
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Ruf Lightyear


So sad.....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Flat Squirrels?

(First of all, my apologies for the poor quality of the picture, however in Georgia screens are a necessity on every household opening. Sadly, screens are a big buzz kill for cameras.) I filled the bird feeder with some very tasty, very stale cereal. The squirrels have really enjoyed this sweet treat and have managed to chew the plastic to enlarge the holes on the feeder. We looked out from the dinner table to see this last night. Have you ever seen a flat squirrel? Not sure what the purpose was - maybe he was trying to be stealthy in broad daylight?? Maybe he's just so stuffed he needs to lay down and rest?? I don't know, but whaever the reason - it's a funny picture.
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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Best of the best

Greendaddy caught a bluecrab for us to examine up close when we visited Little St. George Island.

An explanation about the umbrella and bag...I got the bag as a gift from a student three years ago. Last week Lee and I decided that it would be nice to have a little shade on the beach so we stopped by a little beach shop. I grabbed the cheapest umbrella out of this big barrel. Wouldn't you know when we opened the umbrella on the beach it matched the bag EXACTLY??

Full moon on the beach


Little St. George Island is known to us as "Nakie Beach". Hutch kept his trunks on this year, but Maggie was happy to take on the role of jaybird for the outing.
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