Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sacked Out

The aftermath following a day spent at home with Mr. Mom and Maggie! Lee came home after being gone a couple weeks on Tuesday and on Wednesday spent the day at home with the kiddos. Don't you know that Hutch had a perfect copy of the corduroy pattern from the slipcover on his cheek when he awoke. Of course he didn't think it was nearly as funny as we did.
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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Negotiations at a Stand Still

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While waiting for the skylift they herd everyone by a photo op background. When you come back they've got your pictures waiting for inspection. For only $20 you get a 5x7, four wallets and two, count 'em, TWO souvenir picture keychains!! What a deal. Normally we wouldn't fall for these tourist shenanigans, but in one rare instance my eyes AND my mom's eyes are OPEN. You see, we're genetically inclined to close our eyes for pictures. Maybe dad's are closed, but it's difficult to tell with the Jack Nicholson shades.

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Favorite Part of the Day?

Here we are in front of the giant pumpkin "tree" at Stone Mountain. We had a lovely day at the park with the grandparents. It was perfectly sunny and nice with only moderate crowd. We rode the train and the skylift as well as having lunch, funnel cakes, and popcorn. We also went to the Plantation and visited the petting zoo where we watched some goats butting heads. Hutch even got brave and petted a sheep! After all that, I asked Hutch [while he was perched on the potty at Chipotle] what his favorite part of the day was and he promptly replied, "Getting a toy!". Greenie bought him a toy car at the gift store on the top of Stone Mountain - those are the moments you cherish...

On a side note, I had my first psycho mother moment when Hutch suddenly vanished while we were waiting for Greenie to buy waters at the snack bar on top of the mountain. Greendaddy and I were standing there with Hutch and Maggie, I looked down and Hutch was GONE. I immediately began calling and looking for him. My yelling ramped up pretty quickly because there were lots and lots of people around and a couple different ways he could have gone. People started staring and as I entered the snack area I really yelled loudly, "HUTCH EZELL YOU COME HERE NOW!!" Greenie's head popped up over the little wall separating the line from the seating and she said cheerfully, "He's with me!". Whew. I could not believe he had left us with no notice and just trotted away to find Greenie. He could not see her from where we were! I was eyeing that kid on the leash that we saw on the skylift down and thinking....gotta get one of those....leash, that is.
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