Thursday, December 14, 2006

Do I look Canadian?

And come on, I haven't dyed my hair in 18 years....
That said, I'm happy that Jen considers me to be worthy of blogging about. And yes, that beautiful trophy to the left will be sitting on my nightstand for the next year, as I did win the COTU 2006 Final last night. $500 toward Xmas, can't complain about that.
And that tropy is spelled C-L-A-S-S-Y. Oh, you should see what it looks like from out here!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Look out WPT!

So Lee is off to the COTU championship game tonight. For those who are uninitiated that stands for "Championship of the Universe". I think it was originally organized by one of the guys Lee works with and it just took on a life of it's own.

Today when I got home I was confronted with the WUT on our kitchen butcher block. (World's Ugliest Trophy) It's a silver-tone hand with gold-tone fingernails holding a full house. Gag. Lee asked where he could put it in the house when he wins and I suggested the trunk of his car. Maybe he could put it on some velcro and stick it to the dash of his car.

Anyways, they started at 6:00 and it's 6:45 now. With any luck Lee won't be home until after midnight, this ensures he's stayed in long enough to get some money. He is the current chip leader going in to tonight's game, but he faces stiff competition from the other players. He is at a disadvantage tonight however, because he did not stop and get a strawberry slushie from Sonic as there is not a Sonic on the way to Andy's house.

On another topic, sent the wrong items today so instead of a couple of gifts which must remain nameless we got these stuffed, plush black knights. Hutch was delighted and then crushed immediately as we tried to explain that the toys were a mistake. I thought it would be fun to let the screaming crying toddler call the customer service hotline.

Later! Jen

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Good Time Was Had By All...

You don't even want to hear the story of how I convinced this McDonald's to host Hutch's party. In any case the boys had fun and Hutch LOVED all of his gifts. Happy Birthday, Hutch! Posted by Picasa