Sunday, February 18, 2007


Although we arrived later than optimal, we had a great time at the aquarium. We think Maggie is fighting an ear infection and she definitely had a fever, but hung in there (literally in her sling) and was a little angel. (Baby number 2...fever, yeah? Oh well, let's go to the aquarium. vs. Baby number 1, fever?, yeah, better set up the iv antibiotics, don biohazard gear, stay home from work and sterilize the doorknobs.) Hutch was full of toddler energy and had a fabulous time looking at all of the fish. The whale sharks were super impressive...they're HUGE!! I also got a good shot of a "Humphead Rasse", wonder where it got its name?? That part of the aquarium was cool because they had a moving sidewalk so you could just stand and stare without worrying about running into people stopped in the middle of the walkway. There were lots of rays and grouper. We also saw penguins, otters, sea lions, and beluga whales (also cool and also HUGE!). By the time we left the place was crawling. We got season passes which gave us a discount at lunch, making the total slightly less than buying our own 100 gallon saltwater tank. The cafeteria set up was quite efficient and the food was good. Hutch chugged his chocolate milk in less time than it takes for him to say "chockwat milk". We look forward to going again when the crowds are lighter.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Three's Company


Mommy, Hutch, and "Eagle B Zurg"

Greenie and Greendaddy returned from picking Hutch up one day and were quite perplexed as to what "Eagle B Zurg" was that Hutch was requesting. He told them they needed to go to the "red store" (aka Target) to get it. After much thought, the translation was made...Evil Emperor Zurg, from Toy Story 2. Ohhhhhhhhhh.....
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Maggie Pruneface

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Friday, February 09, 2007


So yeah, I have a lot to do today. But that's a winner situation for you!!! See, lolcats!!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Oh, Auntie Clare....time to update your blog, we've updated ours! Haven't you gone to any pirate restaurants lately?

Life here in Flowery Branch is glorious! We've gotten Lee's new "office" set up, sort of. It's a work in progress and it's been nice having a house husband! I'm up to my armpits in educational philosophy, but I've only got two more of those classes left. Here's a haiku I wrote for my presentation a couple weeks ago on Eastern thought:
Eastern ways are cool
Zen Buddism calms me now
It says "Do nothing".